- 卡列夫
- "Low levels of alcohol promoted neutral memories, such as remembering objects," said Dr Kalev.
卡莱弗博士说:“少量饮酒能够促进‘中性记忆’,比如对物体的记忆。” - The study at Auckland University was undertaken by Dr Maggie Kalev and Professor Matthew During.
该研究是由奥克兰大学的麦吉?卡莱弗博士和马修?杜林教授共同开展的。 - Dr Kalev said a "very important" brain receptor, called an NMDA receptor, appeared to be necessary for the process.
卡莱弗博士说大脑感受器“门冬氨酸受体”在过程中起到非常重要的作用。 - "Pathways by which memory is laid down are unclear, but NMDA receptor is critical in this process," Dr Kalev said.
“然而,我们还发现,与普遍观点相反,过度饮酒能够强化人对高强度情感刺激的记忆,也就是说‘借酒消愁’并不能奏效。” - Dr Kalev said a very important brain receptor, called an NMDA receptor, appeared to be necessary for the process.