- 蓬
- Thich la khi di cung nhau moi nho den doi phuong.
喜欢,只有在一起的时候,才惦记着对方。 - Trinh Phuong Bac says he first developed problems in his right eye when he was a child.
视网膜将这些图像转换成通过视神经传送至大脑的信息。 - The company possesses four workshops for manufacturing and an office staff under the administration of Mrs.Duong Thi Phuong Hien as director of Asia-Crafts.
也正因为这个原因,我们已经取得了许多成功的处理与客户来自美国,欧盟,日本,马来西亚,新西兰,澳大利亚等,来和我们的客户,我们希望能为您服务周全。 - Keepers named Elka after a primate rescue center supervisor at Cuc Phuong National Park in Vietnam, where three of the zoo's keepers have worked with langurs.
园方给这只猴子取名爱儿卡,是因越南库风国家公园一个灵长类援救中心的主管就叫做爱儿卡,动物园有3名饲养人员在照料黑叶猴时和该中心合作。 - Nguyen Tri Phuong