- Assist finance dept. to collect AR on time.
协助财务部门及时收回应收帐款。 - Coordinate with customers for AR collecting.
遵守公司的信贷制度,与客户协调货款回收。 - Today you are to pass by the region of Moab at Ar.
你今天要从摩押的境界亚珥经过 - We ar all in favor this plan of testing in English.
我们都赞成英文考试计划。 - Guys to me? They ar just my toys!
人家只是想听听别人的意见吗,这位小同志! - Keep going la! Add oil ar! I must support you ar!
你们真的很棒!希望能看你们一直发光发热!加油! 返回 Ar.