- n.西利
- Seelye, H.N.. Teaching Culture[M]. Lincolnwood, II: National Textbook Company. 1988.
英语课程标准研制组.;英语课程标准解读[M] - In the late 1990s, John Seely Brown created the image of knowledge ecologies to accelerate creative learning.
20世纪90年代末,John Seely Brown创立了知识生态学的概念来加速创造性的学习。 - Brennan often finds herself teamed with Special Agent Seely Booth, a former Army sniper who mistrusts science and scientists when it comes to solving crimes.
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最后是我们的FEI special agent Booth同学,之前在军队中是狙击手,哈,枪法没的说。很喜欢这个人物,很照顾不太会除人际关系和社会关系的女主。 - Seely William D.Faralla...
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