- n.文特(在美国;西经 100º40' 北纬 44º15')
- The information could offer inroads to new therapies, said Wendt.
研究信息能够提供治疗新途径,Wendt说道。 - Nicholas Eberstadt is the Henry Wendt Scholar in Political Economy at AEI.
但是,这不应该让奥巴马总统停止针对其它地区存在的问题做出决策。奥巴马总统和他的团队不得不处理直接来自对外政策的挑战,像与以色列与哈马斯之间的冲突,印巴的紧张局势和逐渐升温的伊朗核危机。 - Alexander Wendt: "Anarchy Is What States Make of It," International Organization 2 (1982), p.
义".;这一分支强调了语言;话语和文本在国际关系中的普遍存在性;以及 - In addition, often by the time doctors make the diagnosis, the disease is already fairly advanced, Wendt said.
Wendt说,通常医生对此做出诊断时,病情已经相当严重了。 - The study used 411 lavage samples obtained from 137 lung transplant recipients from 1993-1996, Wendt explained.