- n.维德曼
- The present paper describes three new species of the genus Plecia Wiedemann and a single new species of the genus Bibio Geoffroy within the famly Bibionidae (Insect: Diptera).
记述我国山东山旺中新统山旺组双翅目毛蚊科Plecia属3新种和Bibio属1新种. - Wiedemann's approach to black box linear algebra uses the fact that the minimal polynomial of a matrix generates the Krylov sequences of the matrix and their projections.
主要目的是在探讨国中一年级学生在学习二元一次联立方程式的能力发展与其错误解题成因,以供教师设计有关此单元及教学策略时之参考。 - Wiedemann, Dietmar G.
著者: Pousttchi, Key; - /Gisela Kozak & Julius Wiedemann.
书名/作者 Japanese graphics now! - herausgegeben von Barbara Wiedemann.
作者声明: Paul Celan ;