- n.一种穿衣风格;包括不化妆;穿宽松肥大的衣服;长裙;以及舒适的鞋(大学生用语);博埃梅
- In 1986, CNO performed the opera La Boheme together with the famous tenor Pavarotti.
1986年与世界著名男高音歌唱家帕瓦罗蒂合作上演歌剧《波西米亚人》获得成功。 - Artist's Life Waltz? I was thinking of
, same translation in Chinese.
看名字还以为是施特劳斯的圆舞曲. - By the end of 2004, Pavarotti first director of the opera "La Boheme", he was appointed as the male lead.
如果没有防爆要求,则气动、电动执行机构都可选用,但从节能方面考虑,应尽量选用电动执行机构。 - He produced and sang in Romeo &Juliette, Carmen, La boheme in Shanghai with the Shanghai Opera House and Shanghai International Arts Festival.
这几年间,莫氏在亚洲地区极为活跃,除了担任演唱之外,他亦从事歌剧制作。 - He produced and sang in Romeo & Juliette, Carmen, La boheme in Shanghai with the Shanghai Opera House and Shanghai International Arts Festival.