- n.锁子铠的一种
- Milanese commanders value these crossbowmen highly, thus they equip them with brigandine armour and the large Pavise-style shield.
米兰指挥官们高度重视这些十字弓手,因而为他们装备了铠甲和巨型护盾。 - Very fast, these elite lancers are equipped with light mail or brigandine armour and armed with lance and sword.
轻骑兵们装备轻型链甲或镶甲,手持骑枪长剑,作战十分出色。 - These young adventurers wear light mail or light brigandine armour and carry a javelin and an axe .
波耶骑兵身穿轻型链甲或镶甲,手持标枪长斧,极为骁勇善战。 - Mounted French archers are protected in brigandine armour and carry a large bow and sword.
法国弓骑身穿钉甲,使用大弓和剑。 - They wear light mail or brigandine armour and fire a powerful composite bow from horseback.