- n.鲍
- Baugh and Norman Egbert McClure.
作者声明: by Albert C. - Which makes this video very, very smathy.That's Carl Baugh, by the way, who appears regularly on the Trinity Broadcast Network to teach viewers about creationism.
大学教师作为一种文化符号,留给世人称道的是他们高尚的人格、渊博的知识、出色的教学和创新的科研能力。 - Baugh is a member of numerous psychological and psychotherapy associations throughout Louisiana and Mississippi and has served on the Board of Psychological Examiners.He lives in Jackson, Mississippi.
他是路易斯安那州与密西西比州中许多心理治疗协会的成员,并任职于心理学家审查协会。 - "Religion overtopped the common affairs of life" (Albert C. Baugh)
“宗教高于生活中的琐事”(艾伯特C.;鲍) - enforces its plea with a description of the pains of hell(Albert C. Baugh)