- 共同管理旅馆
- Q1.How does the Condotel operation differ from Timeshares?
问题1:产权式酒店公寓与分时度假酒店有何区别? - Subject to advance booking, unit owners have priority use of their condotel units or an equivalent type for 45 days every year for free .
业主将拥有提前预定及使用其公寓的优先权,或每年可享受45晚免费住宿。 - A13.The Unit owners' association is organized to provide financial, operational and property management of the condotel units.
回答13:度假城业主协会为度假城公寓所有者提供财务、公寓经营管理信息及服务的协会组织。 - Q4. Are there additional cost incurrences to be shouldered by the unit owner upon enrollment in the condotel operations?
问题4:业主是否须缴纳度假城产权式酒店公寓代管理注册费? - Investors could look forward to an estimated 5-year full return of their investment once the condotel is operational and unit is fully paid for.