glitter powder
- They touched the powder and daubed it on their bodies like carnival glitter, taking fragments of the radioactive caesium chloride salt home.
他们触摸粉末,涂在身上,就如狂欢节闪亮的服饰,并将放射性铯氯化盐碎末带回家中。 - Artisanal miners in the gold and diamond fields directly south of Lake Victoria are the main buyers. Some sprinkle albino powder on the walls of their narrow pits, hoping for glitter.
据调查者报道,将一位白化病者的皮肉风干后放进护身符中,将他的骨头磨成粉末就可以卖到超过1000美元的价格.主要的购买人群是维多利亚湖南边的金矿和钻石矿中的矿工.这些未受教育而不顾一切的矿工听信巫医关于药剂带来财运的故事,将白化病者的骨灰撒在他们狭隘矿坑的墙上,为开采工作求得吉星高照,大发横财. - Glitter Powder Glue;
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