- 白地条子布
- Kalam called for new laws that would allow governments to regulate what information may be seen on the web.
卡拉玛提议订立新的法例能让政府控制哪些信息能在出现在网络上。 - They wrote letters to Indian President APJ Abdul Kalam and Prime Minister Manmohan Singh and held protests outside the park that is Veda's home.
他们写信给印度总统卡拉姆与总理辛赫,并在葳达栖身的公园外抗议。 - Singh insists he met Kalam, although some Indian newspapers say the meeting was canceled as he waited to go in.
消息传出后,辛格预计与印度总理曼莫汉-辛格见面的计划当即被取消,这名少年也立刻被带回他所在的纳尔艾村。 - Today,the Kalam camp has sprung up beside the tracks and is home to 150,000 refugees.
如今这里成了15万难民的聚居地。 - Norman Kalam, Maxwell Michael A. Chemical Engineering Deskbook Issue. 1977 ( 11 ).