相关单词近义词 soliloquy 自言自语, speech 演说, prologue 开场白, epilogue 结尾, aside 旁白, solo 独奏, oration 演说, address 住址, lecture 讲课, drone 雄蜂, harangue 慷慨激昂地劝说..., rant 咆哮, running commentary 连续系统的评论(当场连续...反义词dialog, 对话临近词monomer, monolithic, monologue mode, monologue output, monologue summary, monologue - novel, monologue paraphrase, monologue of the soul, monologue interaction, monologue and soliloquy, monologue shot detection, Monologue of the Northeast 返回 monologic