- adj. 有绒毛的
- v. 打盹;预测…可能获胜(nap的过去分词)
- 同根词
- 词根:nap adj.
- nappy起毛的
- napping起绒的
- napless(指呢绒)没有绒毛的;(衣服等)磨破了的 n.
- nap小睡,打盹儿;细毛;孤注一掷
- nappy尿布
- napping刷布;起毛;拉绒 v.
- napping小睡;疏忽;使起绒(nap的ing形式) vi.
- nap小睡;疏忽 vt.
- nap使拉毛
- Monks’ yellow robes, freshly laundered, hung on railings to dry, and a woman napped at her desk.
和尚的新洗干净的黄袍,挂在栏杆上晾干,一个女人在桌上打盹儿。 - Againye tried to be a good nurse, attentive but not cloying, fetching me a stool to use while I bathed from a bucket and petting my head as I napped, saying, “Pain you well well” in soothing pidgin.
他替我拿来一个板凳,方便我在水桶里洗澡时使用,又在我打盹时摩挲着我的头,用令人宽心的混杂语言说道:“生病了,你要完全好起来啊。” - He compared children who attended all-day pre-schools in Japan, where 90-minute naps are compulsory, with children of the same age who napped only when they needed to.
他比较了在日本有90分钟午休要求的全日制幼儿园的儿童和其他只在需要时打盹的同龄儿童。 - This past Saturday I sat down to catch up on some work while my two-year-old napped.
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- napped leather [皮革]绒毛皮革;绒皮子革;皮革类英语;绒面革
- napped belt 推覆带
- napped hosiery 拉毛袜
- napped suede 拉绒仿鹿皮革
- napped jersey 起绒针织物
- If you take or have a nap, you have a short sleep, usually during the day.
- If you nap, you sleep for a short period of time, usually during the day.
- If someone is caught napping, something happens when they are not prepared for it, although they should have been.
- the raised fibres of velvet or similar cloth
- a card game similar to whist, usually played for stakes (Also called napoleon)
- 小睡
Objectives: To study the effect of a 1 hour nap on cognitive performance and mood after 30 hours sleep deprivation, and to evaluate the process of gradual recovery from sleep inertia.
主观评价较实际工作绩效的恢复早。 实验三 30小时睡眠剥夺条件下咖啡对抗睡眠惯性措施的研究目的:咖啡对抗30小时睡眠剥夺后加入1小时小睡睡眠惯性初步探讨。纺织科学技术
- 绒毛
- 打盹
- 网路进出定价 (network access pricing)
- 网路进出处理机 (network access processor)
- 网路进出协定 (network access protocol)
- 杂讯抑制程序 (noise abatement procedure)
- 杂讯分析程式 (noise analysis program)
- 净地上生产力 (net aboveground productivity)
- 网络接入点 (network access point)