- [法] 申请, 请求, 诉因陈述
- "I was one of those people who used to stand on street corners and ask for people to sign petitio , which at that time were directed towards the Japanese and the Soviets.
"我是那个时候常常站在街角征集人们在请愿书上签名的人之一,当时的请愿书是针对日本人和苏联人而写的。 - Some civilians and some nations permit this infamous petitio principii to be only three times repeated, and others leave it to the discretion of the judge;
而如果他/她拒绝发誓,那么他/她就会遭受另一番折磨直到其确认证词无误为止。 - petitio principii
n. 以待决之问题为论据