- adj.多神教的;信奉多神教的
- First, there are basically at the same stage of development, for a number of polytheistic deity.
首先,两者基本上处于同一发展阶段,多为有主神的多神教。 - Sumerian religion was polytheistic, that is, the Sumerians believed in and worshipped many gods.
苏美尔人的宗教拾多神教,也就是,苏美尔人奉信和膜拜很多神灵。 - Still unreached by missionaries, the 11,790 polytheistic Naru and the 11,650 animistic Daizhan live in spiritual darkness.
790位迷信多神的纳儒人和11,650位迷信精灵的带占人没有听过福音,仍活在黑暗的属灵光景中。 - In other cases (e.g.Ex. 20:3 Thou shalt have no other gods before me.), it refers to the polytheistic notion of multiple gods.
另一个例子(出埃及记,20:3除我以外,你不应有其他的神),这是用来指代多神教观点的众多位神。 - It concludes that Confucianism is polytheistic or with obvious polytheistic elements, whereas Judaism is a typically monotheistic system.