- 德贝
- Now I could loose because I have repaid all debet.
现在我已还清欠债;总算可以松一口气了. - Quod Rex non debet esse sub homine, sed sub Deo et lege.
只要继续在体制内做文章,难免最后不是隔靴搔痒...... - Civitas bellum sine causa bona aut propter iram gerere non debet.
若没有好的源由,而只凭一股怒气,人民不应走上战场。 - Americans debet wether to debate whether it should be lawed lowered, or wether whether young drinkers would only drink more.
美国人在争论是不是要把这降低,或者是否让稍微年轻的饮用者仅仅喝的更多一些。 - The sum which two married people owe to one another defies calculation. It is an infinite debet, which one can only be charged through all eternity.