- blow down a tree (风)将树刮倒
- blow off a tree 从树上吹落
- climb a tree 爬树
- cut down a tree 伐树
- fell a tree 砍倒一棵树
- fertilize a tree 给树施肥
- grow a tree 栽树
- hang from the full trees 挂满枝头
- live in a tree 生活在树上
- love trees 爱护树木
- nail to a tree 钉在树上
- nurse a tree 培育树木
- plant a tree 植树
- protect trees 保护树木
- raise tree 种植树木
- shake a tree 晃动树
- transplant a tree 移植树
- bare tree 光秃秃的树
- beautiful tree 美丽的树
- big tree 大树;巨杉
- bushy tree 灌木似的树
- dangerous tree 危险的树
- dead tree 枯死的树
- fallen tree 倒在地上的树
- green tree 绿树
- huge tree 大树
- monumental tree 纪念树
- most trees 大部分树木
- old tree 古树
- rare tree 稀有的树
- rotten tree 腐烂的树
- several trees 几棵树
- shady tree 多荫的树
- small tree 小树
- some trees 几棵树
- still tree 一动也不动的树木
- strange tree 奇怪的树
- tall tree 乔木
- thick tree 茂密的树木
- young tree 小树,树苗
- apple tree 苹果树
- Christmas tree 圣诞树
- fruit tree 果树
- pine tree 松树
- rose tree 玫瑰树
- shade tree 能遮阴的树
- family tree 家谱;系统;家系图;系谱图
- among the trees 在树丛中
- in a tree 在树上
- shade of a tree 树阴
- the top of the tree 树冠
- trunk of a tree 树干
- on a tree 树上
- under a tree 在树下
- tree on streets 沿街两侧的树
- Suffix Tree [计]后缀树;后缀树实现;字尾树
- camphor tree [林]樟树;[林]樟脑树;香樟树;香樟
- kapok tree 木棉树;[林]吉贝树;红棉树;母棉树
- Document Tree 文档树;文件树
- shoe tree 鞋撑;鞋楦;鞋撑子;鞋树
- Money Tree 摇钱树;种棵摇钱树;金钱树;姚钱树
- derivation tree [计]导出树;[计]推导树;派生树;导出树
- Magic Tree 魔法庄园;魔法水果树
- fault tree 故障树;失效树
- christmas tree 圣诞树
- decision tree 决策树,决策图表
- fault tree analysis 故障树分析法
- in the tree 在树上(外来物)
- on the tree 在树上(原生物)
- binary tree [数]二叉树;[计]二进制树形网络
- fruit tree n . 果树
- tea tree 茶树,茶树精油
- tree structure [计]树形结构
- grow on trees (如长在树上般)伸手可得,轻易得到
- fig tree n . 无花果树
- evergreen tree 常青树;冬青树
- spanning tree 生成树;最大树生成树;跨越树
- tree of life 生命之树 返回 tree