- 三色视
- It seems, then, that primate trichromacy is unusual.How did it evolve?
由此看来,灵长类的三色型视觉并不寻常,它是如何演化出来的? - It occurred to us that we might test this idea if we could re-create that initial step in the evolution of primate trichromacy in a dichromatic mammal such as a laboratory mouse.
如果能在双色视觉的哺乳动物(例如小鼠)身上重现三色视觉演化的最初步骤,或许就能检验这些想法。 - One consequence of trichromacy is that computer and television displays can mix red, green and blue pixels to generate what we perceive as a full spectrum of color.
所以电脑和电视萤幕使用红、绿和蓝三种颜色的像素,就能够制造出人类所感受的完整光谱。 - The new research is the most definitie yet in shedding light on the first steps that led to the emergence of trichromacy -- the ariety of color ision found today in most primates, including humans.
这一新的研究仍将是引导我们揭开三色视之谜的最可靠的成果,三色视是包括人类在内的灵长类动物中存在的不同色觉功能。 - Color from monitors belongs to RGB additive primaries.Although different spectral forms of trichromacy in CRT and LCD, we still can get the same color by different proportion of mixing colors.