- 奧西奧
- Anthropologist Juan Ossio said Toledo recognized the potential political force of Peru's Indian population during his first presidential campaign in 1995 when his campaign slogan was "a Peruvian like you"and finally was able to capitalize on it this year.
"人類學家歐塞奧說托萊多在他1995年的第一次縂統競選中就發現了秘魯印第安人口中潛在的政治影響力,儅時他的競選口號是""一個和你一樣的秘魯人"",在今年的競選中他充分用上了這一點。" - "He has learned to play very well with the symbols of Andean culture," Ossio said. "Now President Toledo has the duty to build bridges so the two cultures can come together."
歐塞奧說:"托萊多很好的利用了安第斯文化的象征意義,現在他的任務就是在秘魯白人文化和本土文化間架起一座溝通的橋梁。" - well with the symbols of Andean culture," Ossio said. "Now President Toledo has the duty to build bridges so the two cultures can come together."