- A city of northeast Brazil on the Parna?a River east - southeast of Bel?.Founded in1852, it is a trade and distribution center.Population, 339, 042.
特雷西納巴西東北部巴納伊巴河上一城市,位於貝倫東南以東。於1852年建立,是一個貿易中心和貨物集散地。人口339, - A city of northeast Brazil on the Parna韇a River east-southeast of Bel閙. Founded in1852, it is a trade and distribution center. Population,339, 042.
特雷西納巴西東北部巴納伊巴河上一城市,位於貝倫東南以東。於1852年建立,是一個貿易中心和貨物集散地。人口339,042 - parna
印度手織方格棉平佈,風成粘土 返回 Parnas