- Leptolegnia caudata de Barr Saprolegnia ferax Gruith Thuret. Rhodotorula sp. Paeeilomyces varioti Bain. Aspergillus finnigatus Frcs and Cephalosporium aeremonium Gorda.
優勢種類有松花根生壺菌Rhizophydinm pollinis-pini(Braun)zopf;尾細襄黴Leptolegnia caudata de Bary;多卵水黴Saprolegnia ferax(Gruith) Thuret紅酵母 Rhodotorula sp.;擬青黴 Paecilomyces VariotiBain;菸曲黴Aspergillus fumigatus Fres;頂頭孢黴Cephalosporium acremonium Corda - Saprolegniales (water molds) An order of the OOMYCOTA containing aquatic or soil-dwelling funguslike microorganisms, e.g. the water mold, Saprolegnia, which may be saprobes or parasites.
水黴目(水生黴菌):爲藻菌綱、卵菌亞綱中的一個目,包括水生和部分土棲種類的真菌樣微生物。 - Saprolegnia ferax
[毉] 水黴 - Saprolegnia parasitica
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