- n.森達尅
- Story and Pictures by Maurice Sendak.
人都有情緒,特別是儅負... - These influences help explain an important part of Sendak’s books.
我們常說要有創新思想,但我們嘴上是這麽說的,而行動上卻不是如此。 - In his books, Sendak skillfully combines an adult's point of view with a child's point of view.
我們的孩子隨著年齡的增長,與生俱來的創造性逐漸被由家長、老師、他人所組成的社會給埋沒了。 - I love Maurice Sendak’s book and truly adore the videos and movies that Spike Jonze has been involved with.
書的內容圍繞著閲讀展開,也有一部分書評。梁老師飽讀詩書,有這個底子,就能跟竇文濤鏘鏘十年。 - Sendak’s stories are often dark and intense.For example, “Outside Over There” is about a baby who is kidnapped by goblin creatures while her older sister is not paying attention.