- n.特麗絲塔
- Trista is at the office. She is talking with her colleague, Roberto.
翠絲塔在辦公室裡。她正在和她的同事羅伯特說話。 - Trista NorthandWolfram Goessling, now principal faculty at HSCI and assistant professors at Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center and BWH, respectively, were first authors on the Cell paper.
Trista北部和鎢Goessling,現在HSCI的主要教職員和助理教授在Beth以色列女執事毉療中心和BWH,分別爲細胞紙的第一位作者。 - .Mi-e frica sa merg la moara.E singura ca o femeie parasite, singura si trista, isi scartaie veacurile.
聽聽聽聽聽聽聽聽聽聽聽聽聽聽聽聽聽聽 -Mi-e frica s-ajung in vale.