- 圖列爾
- Those women may view such fabrications as necessary to preserve an equal status with their husbands, Turiel speculates.
圖列爾猜想這些女性或許認爲這樣的謊言對跟她們的丈夫維持一個同等的地位是必需的。 - In an influential 1994 study, Turiel and a colleague interviewed husbands and wives in a Druze Arab community in Israel.
在1994年一項具影響力的研究裡,圖列爾和一位同事訪談了一個生活在以色列的德魯玆派阿拉伯人社群。 - Honesty may be the best policy in general, but as these women illustrate, people willfully lie to prevent what they perceive as greater harms or to resist injustice, Turiel asserts.
誠實一般來說或許是最好的方針,但正如這些女性所示,人們會爲了防止他們認爲是更大的傷害,或爲了觝抗不公正而有意地說謊,圖列爾說。 - As in parent-child relationships, spouses' moral decisions about honesty, rights and harm could well vary more from one situation to another than from one culture to another, Turiel concludes.