- n.躊躇
- 猶豫.
- 動搖.
- One that undergoes frequent abrupt shifts or reversals,as of opinion or emotion;a vacillator.
優柔寡斷的人經常突然變換或徹底改變的人,如看法或感情;猶豫不決的人 - One that undergoes frequent abrupt shifts or reversals, as of opinion or emotion; a vacillator.
優柔寡斷的人經常突然變換或徹底改變的人,如看法或感情;猶豫不決的人 - Informal One that undergoes frequent abrupt shifts or reversals, as of opinion or emotion; a vacillator.
優柔寡斷的人:經常突然變換或徹底改變的人,如看法或感情;猶豫不決的人 - one that undergoes frequent abrupt shifts or reversals,as of opinion or emotion; a vacillator
優柔寡斷的人,經常突然變換或徹底改變的人,如看法或感情;猶豫不決的人 - 10.One that undergoes frequent abrupt shifts or reversals, as of opinion or emotion;a vacillator.