相关单词同义词negotiation, attornment, 近义词 surrender 投降, relinquishment 放弃, transference 调任, transferal 亦写作transferr..., abnegation 克己, abandonment 放弃, abdication 退位, transfer 转移, acquittance 解除, conveyance 运输, yielding 柔软的, acquiescence 默许, capitulation 有条件投降, concession 让步, agreement 同意, compliance 顺从;服从;遵守..., conceding 动词concede的现在..., submission 提交, ceding 动词cede的现在进行式...临近词CET, cessation, cessionary, cession limit, cession number, cession in lease, cession of goods, cession bordereau, cession of patent, cessionary bankrupt, cession of teritory, cession of business 返回 cession