相关单词近義詞 vanity 自負, self-importance 自尊, pride 驕傲, self-satisfaction 自滿, arrogance 傲慢, narcissism 自我陶醉, snobbery 勢利, fancy 華麗裝飾的, self-love 自戀, superiority 優越性, vainglory 極度自負, self-worship 自我崇拜, imagination 想象, notion 觀唸, thought 思想, complacency 自滿, self-admiration 自賞, apprehension 理解, decoration 裝飾, egotism 自大, braggadocio 自誇, ornament 裝飾, idea 主意, fantasy 幻想, self-approbation 自以爲是, self-esteem 自尊, boastfulness 自負, judgment 裁判, frill 衣飾上的縐邊..., concept 觀唸, maggot 蛆, whim 一時的興致, whimsy 怪唸頭, crotchet 怪想, self-praise 自誇, opinion 意見, smugness 裝模做樣, gewgaw 便宜貨, swagger 大搖大擺地走..., conception 概唸, gimcrack 無價值的, self-glorification 自吹自擂, daydream 白日夢, bigheadedness bighead的名詞形式..., self-content 自滿的, thesis 畢業論文, ego 自我, romance 浪漫史, eye 眼睛mind's eye, 心眼, conceitedness conceited的名詞...反義詞humility, 謙遜臨近詞conceive, concede, conceited, conceitedly, Conceit of reason and Utopia, Conceited and self-exalted, conceited or insolent young man, conceit makes one lag behind. 返回 conceits